Some aspects of the Impurity of Art in Ion Ianoși`s Thought
The works of Ion Ianosi are full of ideas that prove to be of interest even today. I would like to mention such an interesting idea – the impurity of art – Ion Ianoși uniquely used it in some of this theoretical works such as The Nonart – Art (two volumes published during 1983-1985) or in his trilogy about the sublime (published during 1983-1985), as well as in some works of aesthetics (as the volume Project for a possible aesthetics published in 1975). There are also some more recent works which could be regarded as applications of this topic in areas such as philosophy and history of culture. I would mention especially his study about Constantin Noica and about the Romanian philosophy. Mentioning these studies one can prove in a convincing manner that this topic was a fundamental one for Ion Ianoși, who tried to develop his researches using it as central objective.