On the Sublime

By Ion Ianosi

  • Mihaela Pop University of Bucharest
Keywords: sublime, ianosi, kant


In his acknowledgment, the author explains why he chose the sublime as the topic of his work. “The sublime was never too sympathized by those who praised the pure and the purist ideas and they were right as it proved the interference between the aesthetic and other values as well as the interference between art and products of other creative domains.
This is indeed the most important problem of the sublime: its fundamental ambiguity between outside and inside. The sublime always suggested the aesthetic tendency towards something different, the art capacity to be more than simply art. It urges us to take distance from the center of artistic work (its beauty) but also it brings us back to tit. It is wittier than the beauty in which we can be confident (aesthetically and artistically). The sublime generates a stimulative lack of trust in what you have already reached. It is by all means problematic. ”(…)
